Tuesday, February 12

1 comment:
Sila berikan pendapat anda di sini .
anda bertanggungjawab sepenuhnya atas komen yang diberi.sebolehnya jika Anonymous,sila letak nama samaran di pangkal komen anda untuk tujuan rujukan post anda.
Whatsoever thoughts, ideas and writings in this blog belong solely to the author and shall not necessarily be the thoughts or ideas of any other organisations or group of people of which the author might seem to be associated with. Any comment found in the comment section of this blog shall not be construed as part of the original posting and shall not be attributed to the author of the blog unless otherwise specifically stated therein. The author of this blog take no responsibility for the contents of third party comments in response to the posting by the author.
Mat Indera terpaksa berjuang melalui Komunis untunk menentang panjajah kerana hanya Komunis mempunyai senjata pada masa itu. Seperti yang diungkapkap dalam video, Mat Indera tetap seorang Islam walaupun fahaman utama Komunis dalah Atheis.
ReplyDeleteJika benar binaan kubur asal seperti diceritakan, ia dibina oleh penjajah. Pihak berkuasa sepatutnya menukar kembali binaan kubur tersebut jika dakwaan di atas benar.