Wednesday, July 23


Ada jugak yang kurang faham mengenai demo serta tujuan penyerahan memorandum yang dihantar pada wakil Kerajaan Rusia dan Ukraine #Solidarity4MH17 yang  diAnjurkan oleh Pemuda Barisan Nasional semalam. Sebaliknya menuduh Pemuda Barisan Nasional menyalahkan pihak Rusia serta Ukraine.

Bagi MKP video ini telah menjelaskan segala-galanya tuntutan serta desakan yang dibuat oleh Pemuda Barisan Nasional yang diketuai oleh Saudara Khairul Azwan Harun semalam.

Saudara Azwan Bro jugak menjawap dilaman mkiro Twitternya pada pihak berkenaan mengenai tujuan memorandum kepada wakil Kedutaan Rusia dan Ukraine. 

Bercakap selepas sidang media semalam Azwan Bro jugak menyatakan bahawa perlunya melantik penyiasat antarabangsa yang bebas serta dipersetujui oleh negara-negara yang terbabit dengan Tragedi MH17. 

Pemulangan Kotak hitam serta mayat mangsa tidak memadai kerana penjenayah yang terbabit perlu dibawa kemuka keadilan kerana tindakan mereka melanggar Etika kemanusian sejagat.

Berikut adalah memorandum yang dihantar pada Rusia, Ukraine dan PBB.

Lyudmila G. Vorobyeva
Russian Ambassador to Malaysia
263 JalanAmpang
50450 Kuala Lumpur
Your Excellency Madam Ambassador, 
The people of Malaysia condemn in the strongest possible terms the shooting down of Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 in eastern Ukraine, which has killed 298 people, including 44 Malaysian nationals. We characterise this incident as tantamount to an act of terror and mass murder of innocent civilians who had no interest or stake in the on-going conflict in the region. We are unequivocal in our expectations that the culprits be brought to justice, and the victims treated with utmost respect. 
Given these expectations, we maintain a keen interest in the integrity of investigations and the manner in which the victims and their possessions are handled.As the territory is currently controlled by pro-Russian separatists, we demand that the Russian Federation’s (hereinafter referred to as “Russia”) intervention in the name of justice. Our demands and related concerns are specified below:

1. We call upon Russia to exercise its substantial influence over the Donetsk region to guarantee safe passage, and full access, to the crash site for international investigators – some of whom have been in the country for days. We note with grave concern reports that theOrganisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE)observers were not accorded full access to all evidence. 
2. We call upon Russia to exercise its substantial influence over the separatists in the Donetsk region to ensure the integrity of the site as a crime scene so that all investigations can be conducted in an orderly manner. We are concerned with the growing reports that failure of securing the site has increased the possibility that crucial pieces of evidence have been compromised. 
3. We express deep concern over reports of how the bodies of the deceased have been treated, as well as of looting and scavenging of possessions. We call upon Russia to exercise its substantial influencEover the separatists in the Donetsk region to ensure they treat all victims and their possessions with dignity, keeping in mind that Muslim victims must be handled in a manner consistent with Islamic teachings, even as they are being handed over to the relevant international investigators. 
4. We take an extremely dim view of any party which may have facilitated this act of mass murder. WE CALL UPON RUSSIA TO FORMALLY RESPOND TO REPORTS(including alleged audio intercepts) suggesting that the perpetrators were pro-Russian separatists who used missiles obtained from Russia. 
5. We take an extremely dim view of any party which may attempt to conceal or alter certain evidence relating to this incident. WE CALL UPON RUSSIA TO FORMALLY RESPOND TO REPORTS (including alleged audio intercepts) suggesting that Moscow had requested possession of the black boxes, over which it has no legal jurisdiction. 
6. While we are encouraged by the handing over of the ‘black boxes’ to Malaysia and the release of the bodies to international investigators, we will remain unsatisfied until the terrorists that murdered the 298 people on board MH17 face justice.We expect full commitment of all countries in bringing the perpetrators to justice. WE CALL UPON RUSSIA to Cooperate with independent, international investigators – including by sharing all information and intelligence necessary – to bring the perpetrators to justice. 
7. We are profoundly concerned by claims or insinuations that Malaysia Airlines or its crew was in any way at fault for this tragedy. All focus should be on finding the parties responsible for shooting down the plane and not deflecting blame to victims that have suffered greatly, especially when the flight path was deemed safe. WE CALL UPON RUSSIA TO CLARIFY REMARKS that claim flight MH17 had deviated from its path and in the absence of concrete proof, channel all its efforts to help independent, international investigators.  
Khairul Azwan Harun
Deputy Chief
UMNO Youth Malaysia
Attn: Mr. Ihor V. Humennyi
Ukrainian Ambassador to Malaysia
22d Floor, Suite 22.02, Menara Tan & Tan,
207, JalanTunRazak
Kuala Lumpur

Your Excellency Mr. Ambassador,
The people of Malaysia condemn in the strongest possible terms the shooting down of Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 in eastern Ukraine, which has killed 298 people, including 44 Malaysian nationals. We characterise this incident as tantamount to an act of terror and mass murder of innocent civilians who had no interest or stake in the on-going conflict in the region. We are unequivocal in our expectations that the culprits be brought to justice, and the victims treated with utmost respect. 
Given these expectations, we maintain a keen interest in the integrity of investigations and the manner in which the victims and their possessions are handled.As the territory in question is within Ukraine, we demand that its government act in the name of justice. Our demands and related concerns are specified below: 
1. We call upon UKRAINE TO GUARANTEE safe passage, and full access, to the crash site for international investigators – some of whom have been in the country for days.We regret the remarks made by Ukrainian authorities stating that they cannot guarantee secure access to the crash site. We note with grave concern reports that theOrganisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) observers were not accorded full access to all evidence and demand that there be no such complaints when international investigators arrive. We ask that Ukraine be more proactive and consider all options – including a ceasefire – in assisting investigators conduct investigations at the site. 
2. We call upon UKRAINE TO ASSISTin ensuring the integrity of the site as a crime scene so that all investigations can be conducted in an orderly manner. We are concerned with the growing reports that failure to secure the site has increased the possibility that crucial pieces of evidence have been compromised.  
3. We express deep concerns over reports of how the bodies of the deceased have been treated in an undignified manner, as well as of looting and scavenging of possessions. We note that the bodies of the victims recovered so far have been transferred onto refrigerated trains.We call upon UKRAINEto ensure the bodies are treated with utmost respect and to keep in mind that Muslim victims must be treated in a manner consistent with Islamic teachings, evenas it is beinghanded over to the relevant international investigators. 
4. We call upon UKRAINE TO treat Malaysia equally with other nations affected by this crime. In doing so, we seek clarification of remarks by the Ukraine Government that the Dutch should lead the investigation as the country that suffered the most into the tragedy – Malaysia bears equal pain in this tragedy and expects to play a leadership role in all investigations hereinafter. 
5. While we are encouraged by the handing over of the ‘black boxes’ to Malaysia and the release of the bodies to international investigators, we will remain unsatisfied until the terrorists that murdered the 298 people on board MH17 face justice. We expect full commitment of all countries in bringing the perpetrators to justice. WE CALL UPON UKRAINEto Cooperate with independent, international investigators – including by sharing all information and intelligence necessary – to bring the perpetrators to justice. 
Khairul Azwan Harun
Deputy Chief
UMNO Youth Malaysia

Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon
760 United Nations Plaza,
New York, New York 10017,
United States
Your Excellency Mr. Secretary-General, 
The people of Malaysia condemn in the strongest possible terms the shooting down of Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 in eastern Ukraine, which has killed 298 people, including 44 Malaysian nationals. We characterise this incident as tantamount to an act of terror and mass murder of innocent civilians who had no interest or stake in the on-going conflict in the region. We are unequivocal in our expectations that the culprits be brought to justice, and the victims treated with utmost respect. 
Given these expectations, we have a keen interest in the integrity of investigations and the manner in which the victims and their possessions are handled. We would like to voice our concerns and demands to the United Nations. We hope that the UN may play its role effectively this time and not disappointduringthis test of its relevance.  
In detailing our demands, we would like our shock and anger upon reports of how the bodies of the deceased have been treated, as well as of looting and scavenging due to the failure to secure the crash site. Not only may this lead to the loss of crucial evidence and clues that may hinder investigations, it is a profound injustice to the families of victims who are already having to cope with the murder of their loved ones. 
While we are encouraged by the handing over of the ‘black boxes’ to Malaysia and the release of the bodies to international investigators, we will remain unsatisfied until the terrorists that murdered the 298 people on board MH17 face justice. 
As such, we demand a strongly worded Security Council resolutionBACKED UP WITH ACTIONS AND IMPLICATIONS,that is specificin condemning the heinous crime and exerting pressure on all concerned parties, particularly Russia, Ukraine and the pro-Russian separatists to -  
Ensure secure, safe and full access to the site to relevant international authorities which include the Malaysian delegations. 
Ensure that the integrity of the site and the investigation will not be compromised. 
Cooperate with independent, international investigators – including by sharing all information and intelligence necessary – to bring theperpetrators to justice.
We believe that our demands are just, fitting and we expect nothing less than a full commitment from all parties involved.  
Malaysia is a nation of peace that puts its faith in diplomacy and its energy building bridges with other nations.As a respected member of the Non Alignment Movement (NAM) and an influential member of the Organisation of Islamic Countries (OIC) what we lack in weapons and destructive devices we make up with strong bonds amongst fellow developing nations.  
Seeing at how this involves victims from various nationalities, we call upon the UN to be the arbitrator in ensuring the desired outcomes stated above are met. 
Khairul Azwan Harun
Deputy Chief
UMNO Youth Malaysia


Anonymous said...

Apalah Bodohnya budak2 umno ni.
Nak tunjuk hero tapi tak tahu gambaran sebenar.
Mudah sgt terikut terpengruh dgn cerita washington & westrn media.
Low class betul.

Anonymous said...

Dari surat tu kita tau Pemuda memang bodoh. Siapa suruh korang Guna perkataan "People of Malaysia"? Korang wakil kami ke?

Perkataan yang sewajarnya ialah "UMNO YOUTH" dan bila dah guna perkataan ni yang buat demand ialah UMNO YOUTH. Lantak korang lah nak demand apa. Nak demand projek dari KJ pun boleh tak ada hal punye.

Tapi korang guna perkataan "People of Malaysia". Korang bukan wakil kami untuk bercakap bagi pihak kami. Korang tak tau malu ke hah?

Surat macam ni demand kiri kanan hanya boleh di keluarkan oleh KERAJAAN MALAYSIA. Faham tak?

Pembangkang cakap UMNO ni bodoh korang marah. Tapi korang memang bodoh laaa. Biro politik korang tak bagi nasihat ke masa draf Memo ni?

Anonymous said...

Penjilat KJ.

Anonymous said... Yahudi sebar di SERATA DUNIA berita Pemuda Malaysia tuduh Russia menembak dan membunuh pesawat kita..siapa nak beritahu balik pada seluruh dunia yg pemuda tak tuduh Russia..ITU LA NAK TUNJUK CERDIK AKHIRNYA MEMALUKAN MALAYSIA!!



Anonymous said...

Perumpamaan dulu2 "BODOH MCM LEMBU" patut ditukar.


Anonymous said...

Salah Anwar la.. sbb tu penyokong UMNO bodoh...

Anonymous said...

yg komen kat atas ni semua orang yang sama. "anti umno"....cuma azwan patut buat sidang media menjelaskan matlamat sebenar.


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